At mathz4kidz, productive struggle – where students solve problems that they do not have a ready procedure over an extended period of time somewhat independently – is a routine and it has become second nature to students.
The kids in this lesson do not attach a negative connotation to the kind of struggle they go through in figuring out a task that is challenging and novel to them.
A routine word problem is modified to provide learners with opportunities to be stuck and opportunities to make progress towards a correct solution.
At mathz4kidz, we have researched into how such growth mindset can be cultivated amongst students.
And how students can be supported to thrive in a challenging environment.
The provision of concrete materials (Bruner), a focus on concepts eg the meaning of volume of cubes and rectangular prisms as opposed to a convenient formula (Skemp), setting up groups for collaboration, interaction and conversation (Vygotsky) and giving students ample time to work semi-independently to make the necessary connections (Piaget) are the enablers for successful problem solving.
And these Year 4 ten-year-olds show us how it is done.